Measuring and Visualizing Diachronic Word Use


This visualization extends the original diachronic visualization with a variety of measures to analyse word use along the lines of the domain specific visualization. Currently the following measures are supported:


As a corpus we use a portion of the Royal Society Corpus (release 5.1), ranging from 1665 to 1929. The corpus comprises 91.2 Mio tokens over about 462.000 types and has been split into 27 decades, with the number of tokens ranging between 455.351 and 13.583.475. For a more detailed breakdown see Figure 1. The raw frequencies per decade are available in

Tokens per Decade
Figure 1: Number of tokens per decade

Word Embeddings

For computing word embeddings we use word2vec skipgrams (Mikolov) and structured skipgrams introduced by (Ling et al). Whereas skipgrams represent the left/right usage context of a word as a bag of words, structured skipgrams represent each position of the context separately. For characterizing content words skipgrams and structured skipgrams seem to fare equally well, but structured skipgrams do a better job for characterizing function words.

For computing period specific word embeddings that are aligned with each other, we use two variatiants of the approach of Dubossarsky et al. (2015), Fankhauser and Kupietz (2017). Training for the first period is either initialized randomly (noinit) or with embeddings for the complete corpus (init). All subsequent periods are initialized with the embedding of their previous period. For the noinit option, embeddings for the complete corpus are initialized with embeddings for the last period. With random initialization low frequency words tend to be rather arbitrarily concentrated in the center of the semantic space for the first one or two periods. This is avoided with corpus initialization, however, the positioning of low frequency words may not really reflect their actual usage during the first few periods.

Table 1 lists all variants of embeddings currently available. Column Init distinguishes between corpus initialization and random initialization. Column Train Counts says whether training uses period specific word counts (yes) or the word counts for the complete corpus (no). Using period specific word counts is the more sensible approach, because it properly anneals the learning rate alpha and draws negative samples according to period specific counts rather than corpus wide ones. The original diachronic visualizations, however, have used corpus wide counts, and are included here for comparability. Column Architecture distinguishes between structured skipgrams (recommended) and skipgrams. For all visualizations the underlying embeddings are also available for download.

Rec Init Train Counts Architecture Visualization Vectors
yes no struct skip rsc-init-tc0-t3
no no struct skip rsc-noinit-tc0-t3
X yes yes struct skip rsc-init-tc1-t3
X no yes struct skip rsc-noinit-tc1-t3
yes no skipgram rsc-init-tc0-t1
no no skipgram rsc-noinit-tc0-t1
yes yes skipgram init-tc1-t1
no yes skipgram noinit-tc1-t1
Table 1: Embedding Variants

All embeddings use a hidden layer with dimension 100, a window size of +/-5, negative sampling 10, and a minimum frequency of 5 in the complete corpus. Period specific word embeddings have been trained with 25 iterations, corpus embeddings with 5.


The visualization consists of four main components:

(1) Bubble Chart

To the left, a bubble chart represents the color encoded semantic space of words, with the size of bubbles proportional to the square root of the relative frequency in the chosen period, and the color indicating the slope of the diachronic growth of a word or the period with its maximum relative frequency. Words can be clicked for further analysis.

(2) Line Chart

To the top right frequency change of individual words is represented by simple line charts showing the fitted 2nd order polynomials of the logit transformed relative frequencies. The line chart also doubles as a selector for individual periods.

(3) Options

The top right also provides a number of visualization options. The first group of options applies to the bubble chart:

The second group of options applies to the line chart.

The last two buttons are for choosing the number of more zoom levels to show for bubbles (just a convenience option for producing pretty pictures), and choosing whether the word table should reload on demand or always (default: on demand).

(4) Word Table

The bottom right provides a word list for the chosen period, with the following columns:

The word list can be sorted on all columns, searched for words, and filtered by giving lower bounds. Filtering and sorting is in particular useful to focus on words with a minimum frequency per million, on words typical for a period (kld > 0), or for looking for words with a high slope in productivity. Clicking on a word zooms and centers the bubble chart on its position in the chosen period.

